Public Consultation

Joint Management Plan For the Dja Dja Wurrung Parks

Manyangu ngulumbara dhelkunya djandak murrup
'We meet together to return good health to country and spirit'


Public Consultation on the Draft Joint Management Plan for the Dja Dja Wurrung Parks, 19 April – 19 June 2018

In 2018 the Dhelkunya Dja Land Management Board finalised the Draft Joint Management Plan for the Dja Dja Wurrung Parks for the Secretary of DELWP’s approval. The Board then received approval to conduct a two-month Public Consultation on the draft JMP, in accordance with Section 82 P of the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 (Vic.)

The Board invited public submissions from 19 April – 19 June 2018. The submissions can be viewed below.

Names of individuals and groups submitting comments are published below, except where submitters have requested to remain ‘CONFIDENTIAL’. Personal contact details of individuals have been removed to protect privacy.

The response to the public consultation was excellent. DDLMB received over one hundred and sixty separate submissions by email, including a large number of campaign letters raising concerns about prospecting exclusions and protection of mining heritage.

In total, two hundred and twenty-nine separate issues were identified and responded to. The submissions received were invaluable and have resulted in significant changes between the draft and final Plan.

Our consultants have prepared a summary of the responses received together with many positive comments reinforcing the draft Plan. This is published on this website at

Downloadable submissions

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